Growing Lavender In Containers

Growing lavender in containers
Lavender also grows quite well in containers. In the Deep South, it actually does better in pots, as it benefits from improved drainage and air circulation. While the plants thrive in arid Western climates, they are usually considered annuals in the South.
Can lavender survive winter in pots?
They have to be moved indoors to survive the winter in colder zones. The good news is that lavenders are fairly compact plants that grow well in containers, which makes moving them between indoors and outdoors quite easy. If you are re-potting them, don't use too large a pot.
How big of a container does lavender need?
Start with large pots, as lavender plants can grow to the size of small shrubs. Twelve- to 16-inch containers do the job nicely. Fill the bottom inch or two of the container with Styrofoam peanuts or gravel to facilitate swift drainage.
Does potted lavender need full sun?
Plant lavender in a spot that gets at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight each day (“full sun”). Lavender thrives in most soil qualities, from poor to moderately fertile. Lavender makes only one demand of soil: It must drain well. Standing water and wet areas could encourage root rot.
Will potted lavender come back next year?
Lavender is a Low-Maintenance Perennial And this beauty will come back to your garden every year, for about 3-5 years, so it's a great investment. Before you make any plant purchases, however, I want to remind you to always choose plants that thrive in your plant hardiness zone.
Why is my potted lavender dying?
If you have lavender in pots dying it may be because the plant is over or underwatered, the soil is inconsistent with the plant's needs, the plant is too little, getting too much sunlight, or the plant may need to be fertilized. Again, cold temperatures may affect potted lavender.
What temperature is too cold for potted lavender?
Temperature: You'll want to keep your lavender at at least 60°F when they venture indoors. Try to avoid areas with fluctuating temperatures like near drafty windows or next to heaters. Watering: Be careful not to overwater your plant during the winter.
Should I cut back lavender in the fall?
Unlike many perennial plants and shrubs that can be pruned now, it is best to wait to prune lavender until after bloom in spring or in early fall before any danger of frost. Pruning now can cause dieback that may kill the plant.
Do I need to cover lavender plants in winter?
We recommend covering your young plants and any French varieties you might have too! You can purchase the same cover cloth we use at any local gardening store if you have a long stretch of plants. If you only have a few plants and want to use a more cost effective method, use what you have at home!
How long does potted lavender live?
When sited correctly and pruned judiciously, lavenders should live for five to seven years. Although lavender is fairly drought tolerant, adequate moisture is required throughout the growing season. Most critical are the weeks after planting to ensure that soil around the rootball does not dry out.
Which lavender grows best in pots?
Lavandula angustifolia 'Lavenite Petite' (Lavender) Compact and dense, extremely fragrant with intense violet flowers, Lavandula angustifolia 'Lavenite Petite' is a top choice for containers thanks to its short stems and tight foliage.
Can you plant lavender in regular potting soil?
What kind of soil does lavender like? Lavender performs best in well drained, slightly alkaline soils. Well drained is synonymous with sandy soils, as opposed to clay soils. If planting in a pot, one part sand to one part normal potting soil is recommended.
Do you deadhead lavender?
Proper pruning and deadheading of lavender plants will increase your harvest of flower spikes for dried flowers and make your plants more beautiful and healthy. Lavender benefits greatly from being pruned in mid-spring and deadheaded in the summer.
Should I water lavender in pots?
Lavender grown in a pot requires more regular watering than in the open ground. Nevertheless, water potted lavender in moderation during the cold months and make sure that excess water can drain away. In the garden bed, water your lavender in winter only when needed, if the soil is frost-free and permeable.
How do you keep lavender blooming?
English lavender blooms in late spring to early summer. If it's pruned lightly just after its first flowering, it will likely flower again in late summer. After this second flowering, a full pruning—typically in late August—will prepare it for winter and encourage more blooms in spring.
What do you do with lavender pots in the winter?
In winter, keep the containers fairly dry, maybe in a cold greenhouse or in the rain shadow at the base of a wall to keep off excessive rain, which will help improve the plants' tolerance to cold weather.
How do you winterize potted lavender?
Overwintering potted lavender
- To overwinter lavenders growing in pots, move them inside if possible.
- Water less, only when top two inches of soil dry out completely.
- Don't fertilize in the period of dormancy, mulch your pots heavily before winter arrives.
What should I do with lavender in the winter?
If you don't get a good reliable snow cover, cover your plant bases with a well draining mulch, such as pea gravel, and/or cover the plant itself with a breathable fabric cover (like burlap or gardening blanket fabric), to protect from wind and freezing temperatures.
Can lavender have too much sun?
Lavenders demand full sun, although afternoon shade may be appreciated in the hottest climates. Plants are very drought resistant once established, but will flower better if not allowed to dry out.
Can lavender get too much sun?
Lavender plants thrive in full sunlight and are not very happy in the shade. They need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day, ideally 8-10 hours during the growing season.
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